Spinal Solutions: Easing Neck, Back and Hip Pain with Phil W. Buchanan, LMT, CMIP,
Spinal Solutions: Easing Neck, Back and Hip Pain
with Phil W. Buchanan, LMT, CMIP
For the month of January, every Thursday evening join Phil for a series in gentle movement and body awareness for easing neck, back and hip pain through the discipline of Core Movement Integration (CMI).
Come and Learn:
About your anatomy and how it works.
How to use your breath to calm your nervous system.
How to align your body for efficient, easier and fluid movement.
How to change ingrained postural and movement habits at a neurological level.
CMI, based on the principles of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, is a method of improving body functioning by releasing and reorganizing neuro-myofascial pathways through the body’s pelvic-spinal core while providing a body map of the energy vectors through which force travels as we move. The key is in connected movement using known biomechanical pathways of movement transmission.
Be sure to wear something comfortable, preferably something easy to move in. Bring a yoga mat, a firm pillow, bolster or towel.
Dates: January 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, 2019
Time: 5:30pm to 6:45pm
Series Price: $125.00
Early Registration Special!!!
December 2 though 26 only!
Early Registration Price $95.00
Register at Creative Warehouse or on-line at www.roottocore.com